Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
71920 Imago critica
89161 Imago temporis. Medium Aevum 1888-3931 Universitat de Lleida: Servei de Publicacions
135851 Imago. Revista de Emblemática y cultura visual 2171-0147 Universidad de València
171161 Imagofagia
440535 Imagology and Comparative Studies 2409-9554
802706 Imbernon
150452 Imbottigliamento 0392-792X
659644 Imma-Kunst Immanence, Paris
358711 Immagine e Parola 2704-8624 Fabrizio Serra editore
117568 Immagine, Note di Storia del Cinema 1128-7101 Casa Editrice Persiani Bologna
168014 Immediations 1742-7444 Courtauld Institute of Art
729048 Immersion 1284-862X Imperatorem
105149 Immersive Education, Communications in Computer and Information Science Springer
100399 Immigrants & Minorities
14110 Immigrants and Minorities 0261-9288 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
95241 Immigrants et minorités
5419 Immigration Briefings 0897-6708 Federal Publications Inc
35684 ImmonuAnnal Biology
139229 Immortals and the Undead, Fastitocalon
14111 Immunity 1074-7613 Elsevier
182610 Immunity 1097-4180
200800 Immunity
69434 Immunity & Ageing
1038 Immunity and Ageing 1742-4933 BioMed Central
102935 Immunity, Inflammation and Disease 2050-4527 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
137337 Immunité & Cancer 2555-5006
166755 Immuno 2673-5601 MDPI
119111 ImmunoHorizons 2573-7732 The American Association of Immunologists
652302 ImmunoInformatics Elsevier
14124 ImmunoMethods 1058-6687 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
864875 ImmunoTargets and Therapy 2253-1556
14112 Immunoanalyse et Biologie Spécialisée 0923-2532 Elsevier Masson
14113 Immunobiology 0171-2985 Elsevier
145077 Immunobiology 1878-3279
14114 Immunochemistry 0019-2791 Elsevier
22093 Immunodeficiency 1067-795X
14115 Immunogenetics 0093-7711 Springer Verlag
22092 Immunohematology -Washington DC 0894-203X American Red Cross
22090 Immunologic Research 0257-277X Humana Press
255775 Immunological Disorders and Immunotherapy 2593-8509 Longdom
14116 Immunological Investigations 0882-0139 Taylor & Francis
14117 Immunological Reviews 0105-2896 Wiley
144940 Immunological Reviews 1600-065X
136882 Immunological reviews
14118 Immunologie und Impfen 1435-2842 Springer-Verlag
156769 Immunologist 1192-5612
14119 Immunology 0019-2805 Wiley
146636 Immunology
14122 Immunology Letters 0165-2478 Elsevier
14123 Immunology Today 0167-5699 Elsevier
14120 Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America 0889-8561 WB Saunders
338399 Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America
14121 Immunology and Cell Biology 0818-9641 Nature Publishing Group
100971 Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents
39292 Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 1871-5222 Bentham Science Publishers
22089 Immunology. Supplement 0953-4954
1039 Immunome Research 1745-7580 BioMed Central
154455 Immunometabolism 2633-0407 Hapres
14125 Immunopharmacology -New York 0162-3109 Elsevier
14126 Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 0892-3973 Taylor & Francis
14127 Immunotechnology 1380-2933 Elsevier
122325 Immunotherapy 1750-743X Future Medicine
477083 Immunotherapy
118413 Impackt – Contenitori e Contenuti Dativo
86702 Impact
118197 Impact 2398-7073
39293 Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 1461-5517 Taylor & Francis
156060 Impact Médecin Hebdo. Les Dossiers de FMC du praticien 1293-8688
76110 Impact Médecin hebdo
5420 Impact of science on society 0019-2872 Taylor & Francis Inc
497007 Impact of socio-economic characteristics on formal and informal public transport demands in Kwara state, Nigeria International Scholar Journals
36494 Impact on Power Generation, Transportation Choices, and CO2 Emissions : 3rd Transatlantic Energy & Climate Change Policy Workshop
25426 Impacts. Revue de l'Université catholique de l'Ouest L'Harmattan
1040 Imparare 1826-1922 LED Edizioni Universitarie
165597 Impartialité et justice économique en Europe : actes du colloque du 14 juin 2002
125072 Impascience 2534-1456 Paris : Solin
107659 Imperial College Press
34179 Imperial Japan and National Identities in Asia, 1895-1945
14129 Implant Dentistry 1056-6163 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
14130 Implantodontie 1158-1336 Elsevier
1041 Implementation Science 1748-5908 BioMed Central
142773 Implementation Science
71466 Implementation Science : IS
575266 Implementation Science Communications 2662-2211
69766 Implementation and Application of Automata: 14th International Conference, CIAA 2009, Sydney, Australia, July 2009, Proceedings, Springer-Verlag
174851 Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education 2667-0135 Brill
27997 Implementing Domestic Tradeable Permits. Recent Developments and Future Challenges
107250 Implications philosophiques 2105-0864 Implications philosophiques
578508 Implications philosophiques
14131 Implicit Religion 1463-9955 Equinox Publishing
139099 Impossibilia. Revista Internacional de Estudios Literarios 2174-2464 Asociación Cultural Impossibilia (Granada, España) [2011-....]
141747 Impresa Progetto-Electronic Journal of Management 1824-3576 Rivista accreditata AIDEA - Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale
77282 Impresa sociale
90976 Imprese e Città
5421 Impressions 1095-2136 The Ukiyo-e Society of America, Inc
88307 Impressions d'Extrême-Orient 2107-027X Aix Marseille Université
894344 Impressions. Journal des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
95587 Impressions: Journal of the Japanese Art Society of America
126880 Imprimerie Bretonne
142387 Imprimerie Guillemin et Voisin